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DaneeCloud is archived project. It is not recommended to use it. For more information click here

  1. Go to and download NodeJS (Minimum v18)
  2. Go to and download source code of latest version.
  3. Then navigate to folder where you downloaded the code and run in that folder command prompt and run this command:
npm install 
  1. After installing fill out config.json and .env

.env Template:

SESSION_SECRET= // Random string
mongo_srv= // Your MongoDB URL
smtp_username= // Username for SMTP user
smtp_password= // Password for SMTP user
smtp_host= // SMTP Host
smtp_port= // Port for SMTP
emailSender= // SMTP sender ([email protected])
CSRF_TOKEN= // Random 32 characters string
RCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= // ReCaptcha Site Key (Not required)

config.json Template:

"cloudname": "",
"cloudurl": "",
"port": 5000,
"uploadsfolder": "/uploads/",
"logtofile": false,
"registerip": false,
"disableRegister": false,
"enableRecaptcha": false

Then run this command:

node index.js

That will run your cloud, enjoy!

Docs last update: 28.04.2024